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Growth of Magento

By 31 January 2014No Comments

Magento is growing – are you in on the game?

I came across this great infographic (you have to love how people now call pictures with words – info graphic), anyway, this is a good one no matter what they call it.

I have to admit, someone – now a very good friend of mine – introduced me to Magento just when I was starting out with Object Source, nearly 4 years ago now. I was more than skeptical. Why wouldn't someone that has been a technical development head at one of the most successful dotcom's that has come out of the UK, and also headed up the implementation of enfinity from Intershop for

How can something free (Community Edition) and open source be anywhere near the standard that any size online shop would need it to be! Quite honestly, I was blown away. Magento is incredibly feature rich and very easy for website administrators to use.

What I love is that on the big corporate days of my life, you could not get out of bed with out spending nearly a million pounds on licenses for an eCommerce platform – yes, licenses, lets not even discuss the additional cost in then customising this platform to make it look the way you needed it to and then sell what you needed. To be fair, there was not much out there at the time, but to think that we are now able to get something free and then dedicate all our budget to getting it to look and function the way you want and to therefore be unique, have that edge against your competitors.

What is just totally awesome about Magento, is the fact that if you need to have the assurance or perhaps insurance, of an eCommerce platform, then Varien (makers of Magento) offer an Enterprise License where you can get all that.

Magento has grown a storm in the America and is now Magento UK is more than just picking up, the bright eCommerce decision makers are already there.

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