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If you run an Adobe Commerce website you know that ‘if you build it, they will come’ is only true in the movies. A successful site requires expert technical support, either from within your organisation or from an external agency. The agency relationship is essential to your trading success, so what are the signs the relationship needs refreshing?

Poor Communication

Are you always waiting on your agency, to the point of having to chase them Every. Single. Time, when you want an update? If your agency consistently fails to respond promptly to tickets or inquiries, you will feel less inclined to invest in your site and will end up leaving revenue on the table. Maybe time to consider changing your agency.

Lack of Transparency

Do you struggle to understand what you are being charged for? Do bills appear that offer little to no explanation as to how the cost accumulated? At objectsource we believe that clients should have access to up–to–date usage data at the touch of a button. We give you access to our live time sheets, allowing you to see exactly how much time is being spent on each of your tickets.

Inadequate Skill Set

Developing and enhancing an ecommerce website requires serious technical skills. Many agencies build and service sites built on several different technologies, which means that their developers may also work across several technologies. Objectsource is a dedicated Adobe commerce /Magento agency and our team only work on these technologies. If we on–board a new developer to your account the last project they will have worked on will have been Adobe Commerce/Magento. All our developers have at least five years’ experience with the platform.

Lack of Proactive Suggestions

At objectsource we are focussed on helping you grow your ecommerce business, because as you grow, we grow. Rebecca Jones, our founder and CEO has twenty years of ecommerce experience from small to very large merchants and she shares this with ALL our clients. Rebecca is ably supported by the management team and our senior developers who are also all highly experienced and can help you to make more money online. Does your current agency relationship provide regular time with the most experienced staff, who share their expertise? Our article on GA4 as an example of what we share.

Excessive Cost or Hidden Fees

We work exclusively on a time and materials basis with our clients, which means you pay for the time you use. And that is it. No standing charges, no monthly fees just for being a client of our agency. Our clients like this arrangement and stay with us on average for five years.

Lack of Results

The primary goal of your agency is to help your ecommerce website succeed. If you’re not setting tangible targets in terms of increased traffic, conversions, or revenue growth, how can you measure the effectiveness of the work you commission? We look to add measurable objectives around the work we do for you so that we both understand what is going to contribute to making more money. Does your current agency do this?  

If you are considering changing your Adobe Commerce/Magento agency why not explore what objectsource can offer you. Contact Andrew Main to discuss how we can help.

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