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Integrating Kerridge and Magento 2

By 29 March 2023No Comments

If you have the Kerridge ERP system as the central data store and source of truth in your business it will be central to your Magento website. At objectsource we have experience of building and maintaining the integration between Kerridge and Magento and ensuring it works at the speed your business needs.  Here is how we go about planning an integration between Kerridge and Magento.  

You do not have to have the latest version of Kerridge, we can connect even ten-year-old versions to Magento, which with version 2.4.6 has excellent CSV import speed. We can work with you to devise an implementation strategy that avoids creating a large backlog of reworks for when you do upgrade Kerridge. Usually this is a mix of CSV import/export, SOAP and REST API connections depending on the frequency and amount of data you need to move between Magento and Kerridge.

We will:

  • Agree the membership of the integrations team very early on, with named individuals who have specific responsibilities. The effort expended on this aspect of the project depends on the clarity and speed of communication between team members.  
  • A detailed specification is everything. Time spent in discovery pays off five–fold when it comes to building and testing the integration.
  • We start by creating a high–level list of all the data connections that currently exist (if any), and any new data connections that need to be created.
  • For each data connection we create a detailed data specification, listing all the fields that need to be included.
  • We would also collect the conditions on which data is moved or triggered i.e. Bulk upload, near real time update of account data, etc.
  • If particularly complex, we also create a data model that clearly maps the Kerridge data fields with those in Magento.
  • Is ERP data enhanced after it has been added to the website, by adding additional product data fields or media files? We will plan the best way to incorporate this work into Magento—it may be an opportunity to revise your processes and introduce more automation.  
  • Identify areas where new data fields will need to be created, for example using new category data to drive site functionality or adding data around product dimensions, product weight, etc. for a better shipping experience. This may create a dependency on making changes to Kerridge which can be managed within the project to minimise dependencies for the integration work.
  • As with all projects like this, we will start a register of dependences and potential mitigations.

If you have an existing Kerridge to Magento integration with performance issues or are considering a new ecommerce website and already haver Kerridge in your organisation, please contact us for an informal chat.

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