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Just a little every day – updating your Magento Website

By 19 October 2016No Comments

I thought about writing this blog post whilst walking to school with son, as we started to learn his timestables! You see, each morning I take him in, we work on something he needs to learn. The walk is only 10 mins, so he does not get bored and I guess he now knows and enjoys the routine. We do just a little bit each day and I see him improve a lot more when we do this compared to when there may be the odd week I can’t.

“Rebecca, what is the point, I am reading this because I want to learn something about Magento and my website”!

Well, the point of this is “Little and often”. Too many times I talk to clients about making sure they either update their website, write a blog, do some marketing and each time they say, “I just don’t have enough time to everything that needs doing”! Thing is, if you had not left it so long in the first place, you would not have so much to do, but now you have, start “little and often”. Surely you can manage 10 mins a day logging into your Magento Admin Panel and completing an update of some sort! While you are in the shower, you can be thinking about your blog topic and plan it out in your head, then when you get to your computer, you can just plough the words out! Think about how relieved you will feel having done something and not going to bed thinking, “oh, another day gone and I have still not updated my website and the visitor rate/conversion is dropping”.

I honestly cannot tell you just how much of a difference it would make to your Magento online shop if you keep making updates everyday and STOP worrying about some big batch of updates, JUST DO SOMETHING AND MAKE IT A ROUTINE!!!!

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